Sunday, July 27, 2008

شتاء المشاعر

في شتاء دارها ...
لا تستطيعـ كتمان رعشاتـ أطرافها!
ولا رجفهـ قلبهـا الصغير ..
إنه ماتشعر بهـ هي اليوم! شتاء المشاعر في ذروة ربيـعـ المحبة ها هناك!
مابين همساتـ الجميعـ .. وضحكاتهم .. تسرح هي في اللا بعيد! تغيبـ في المجهولـ!
كم هو صعب .. انتظار المجهول! والخوف من الاقتراب منه!
ليتها تمتلكـ القوة! لترى مايحمل لها المستقبل!
لترى ماذا يكن لها اليوم والغد الذي ستختاره بكلتا يديها!
"فلانه/ أين سرحت؟"
"ها؟ " وتبتسم ابتسامه صفراء تغطيـ بها حرجها..
آه! ليتهم يعلمونـ!
ومابينـ همساتـ المساء همسـهـ
"يارب آنسـ وحدتها .."


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Droubi

Its time to get into life with all you heart, to accept the fact that you are no longer that lil kid you used to be, its a new year, new wishes, new goals to reach : ) 19 - 7 - 2008 I am officially 23 :D hahaha Happy birthday doodoo

The Best Thing I got is : ) The sweet wishes and caring hearts tah made me cry and luagh at the same time .. Thanks alot my Family, My Friends and every one :D I love you all :hugZzzZzzZ:

Friday, July 18, 2008


Its hard to take decision in this life, you just live your day peacefully, never ever thinking that your tomorrow will be different, in its all dimensions :) JUST by that decision you took one day!!

and because of that decision, I felt that I am so so timeless!! from every thing, that's why I wanted to have more time with my family. My elder sis suggested to go have fun out side, so we went to mbazrah. and yeah, we really had fun there!! LOL laughing all the time :P and I took this cool picture hehehe
this is my Cuz jumping to cross my sis >> that i've erased using the Photoshop :P
also we had great trip in the car singing and dancing LOL funny eeh hehehe..

The day before yesterday, my dear chibi-chan visited the UNI again after her graduation :D Ohh honey how i missed your presence, your laugh, the way you think! every thing wallah :( let's reverse the time for just being together again :D >> sounds cool ha?
I took these pics that day in the uni.. we met AD-Queen and Jode Abot too.. it was wonderful day.

Now nothing in ma mind :P I ll be back soon, ohh yeah guys, if you have any photography Ideas, hit me with them -_- am empty -_- !!

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Monday, July 07, 2008

Healthy links ^_^

Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Chocolate !

Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure
Antioxidants in Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate may fight off heart attacks

The Miracle of Green Tea!

Why don't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties?

Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.
Here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:
rheumatoid arthritis
high cholesterol levels
cariovascular disease
impaired immune function
