Thursday, October 20, 2005

FUN FUN with The Strawberry cheese Cake ^_^

mode: Happy :D
my advice for today: you may find sooo many mistakes in my journal today, don't bother urself >_<>

Yesterday I had so much fun!
I woke up early, prayed al fajer prayer, read the Huly Quraan, and then studies my Professional responsibility Test!

The test was easy el 7emdellah... and for that reason I started thinking of cooking some sweet when I'll be back to my house.
While my walking in the college I heard one of my best friends give a method of doing a cheese cake! I began to remember my last stupid chocolate cheese cake, but wait! Hers is different and so easy! Lets take the method from her and do it for to today eftaar I started to tell myself lol

I didn't said I'll do it today.. my friend were talking to another friend & I stole it! E7em I mean memorized it in my mind :D lol that’s not stealing, is it?! =Pp

I'll right down here how to do it ^_^ so you can have the benift of doing it at home :D

12 piece of Kerry cheese
1 dream web packet
1 spoon sugar
2 spoons of sweet milk
1 biscuit Digestive packet
Liquid batter and lil bit of water
How to do it:

E67eny el biscuit by your hands or bel5alla6ah a7san o as-haal :Pp
6'eefy 3aleh showay zebdah.. o e5le6eeh o ba3deen eshway may len ma ey9eer methl 3ajeen bas mo wayed !

Ba3deen re99eh fel 9eneyah elly tenfete7 men el jawaneb (betelgeenha fel supermarket)
7e6eeh fel 9eeneyah o re99eeh 3adel 3ogob edheny 3aleh el zebdah el thaybah men foog o 7e66eeh for 3 minites in the freezer.
While doing that e5le6y el maqadeer el bagyah ma3ah ba3a6' o 6al3y el ebiscit men el freezer o 7e6eeha 3aleh ba3deen leave for 2 hours in the fridge.
You can design it with many things you want chocolate or strawberry or whatever you want!

(S)tra(W)berr(Y) Cheese Cake

I did that with the strawberry :D its soo ymmmy

Hope you get the benifit out of that ^_^ Good Health, sweet taste, and 3alekom bel 3afyaah :D

See yeah!