Sometimes you feel that you are such a useless person in this world, and you lose the courage to live in this life, but, as a Muslim, we shouldn't lose the hope or the courage to live because we believe in Allah, The One who created us and every thing in this life. You may ask why we shouldn't lose our faith in God. Simply my dears, because every one of us has his own destiny & he'll get what he deserve. Another Point may crack your mind, if I was such a poor or aggrieved person and I didn't get my rights as a human, what should I do? Shall I set and do nothing? Or shall I just revile my miserable life??!! No, You shouldn't do this or that!! You have to keep going in this life, you have to fight and never give up because each one of us has a message or duty to be done in this life! And wherever we go or whatever happens to us, we have to send this message to everyone around us even if our life were so miserable!
Dears, I want you to be strong and happy, & never ever forget that Allah with you & he is watching you to examine your patience and then, award you with what you deserve.
Why am talking about this now? Today morning I felt that I am the worst girl on the earth! For some reasons I felt like that. I hated everything around me especially my self, droubi. I wanted to cry but I couldn't & that was so hard for me.
I said to myself, what have you done? What's going on with you? You have to be strong, your friends, family need you to be in a good health, mode, & they always want to see your shining face and smile. Only for them i started to feel better.
I prayed el fajer and read the Holy Quraan. My eyes saw an ayah which says "enna Allah laa y3'ayyero ma beqawmen 7atta yo3'ayeroo ma be anfosehem" 9adaq Allah el3a9'eem
"God will never change your life, until you start changing the behavior in yourself"
This is so true, whenever you believe in yourself and try to change to the better, everything will goes to the right way, and you'll feel that something helps you, this is God blessing =)
Try to change yourself, think in a positive way & move on.
Am sure you will be happy just like me now :)
Til then, Take care every one..